Facial and Nose Reconstruction With Nasal Nasolabial , Skin Cancer, Kevin Kavanagh
Facial and Nose Reconstruction With Nasolabial Flap, Skin Cancer, Kevin Kavanagh

Superiorly Based Nasolabial Flap for Nose Reconstruction
in a Patient With Basal Cell Carcinoma ( Skin Cancer )




A patient with a small right nasal defect after excision of a basal cell carcinoma skin cancer.   Most cancers in this area are due to sun exposure. The lesion was excised using Mohs surgery.


 A nasolabial flap is outlined.  The skin between the defect and the flap is excised to allow the flap to reach the defect.



Immediate Stage I surgical result.  Immediate Stage I
 surgical result.


.  Immediate Stage I
 surgical result.



Four month result,
 side view.  Note the swelling of the flap due to lymphedema.
Four month result,
 side view.  Note the swelling of the flap due to lymphedema.



Nine month result and preoperative appearance for 2nd stage surgery,
 .  Note the swelling of the flap due to lymphedema.
Flap reduction surgery:  This stage debulked the flap and reestablished the Nasal Labial Grove



Six  week postoperative result -- side view.  Note the mild swelling of the flap due to lymphedema. Six week postoperative result -- side view.  Note the mild swelling of the flap due to lymphedema.
Up Forehead Flap Forehead Flap - Flash Abbe Estlander Flap Abbe Estlander Flash Abbe Estlander Flap Abbe Estlander Flap Rotation Advancement Rotation Advancement Rhomboid Flap Rhomboid Flap Rhomboid Flap Bilobed Flap Bilobed Flap - Flash Nasolabial Flap Nasal Labial Flap Nasolabial Flap Nasolabial Flap Ear Reconstruction Nasolabial Flap Ear Reconstruction Ear Reconstct. Flash Flap Necrosis


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